CSV ("comma separated values") files ==================================== The "comma" separated files contain the same information as the owl/rdf files but are structured as table-like columns separated by '@'. This is primarily intended for import in a (relational) database, and may allow for queries like the following (assuming the DanNet resource is imported as suggested below): ex. 1 "All synsets linked to the wordform 'spand'": SELECT w.form, ws.register, s.id, s.gloss, s.ontological_type FROM synsets s, words_synsets ws, words w WHERE s.id = ws.synset_id AND ws.word_id = w.id AND ww.form = 'spand'; Outputs: spand | | 2928 | åben, keglestub- el. cylinderformet ... | Container+Artifact+Object | spand | slang | 2148 | gammel og dårlig bil | Vehicle+Object+Artifact | spand | | 5697 | gruppe af trækdyr spændt for en vogn... | Animal+Object+Group | ... ex. 2 "All relations that describe the synset with id 2148 ({spand,1_2})": SELECT name, target, taxonomic FROM relations WHERE synset_id = 2148; Outputs: hyponymOf | 1507 | nontaxonomic | involvedAgent | 2119 | | locationMeronymOf | 7587 | | madeBy | 1656 | | ... Reverse relations ----------------- No attempt has been made to reverse the reversable relations: For instance the hyponymOf relation is the reverse of the hypernymOf relation, and if only the synset for '{herring_1}' is described as "hyponymOf fish_1", {fish_1} is not necessarily described as "hypernymOf herring_1". Unlike the owl/rdf files no reasoner will automatically compute the reverse relations. We refer to the list of relations and how they relate to each other at the end of this file. FILES ===== Files included in this release: Meta files ---------- README.txt This file. LICENSE.txt The license that the user must accept when using DanNet. VERSION.txt This version of the DanNet resource. Check http://wordnet.dk/download_html for updates. RELEASE_NOTES.txt Changes in this release. The DanNet resource ------------------- synsets.cvs id: Id of synset. This id will remain constant in future versions of DanNet. label: Name of synset based on the word forms linked to this synset. It is only intended as a convenience for the user. For information about the lexical forms, please refer to words.csv. gloss: Gloss of the synsets. Consists of a small part of the definition from the Danish Dictionary plus hand-selected examples from the corpus. ontological_type: Ontological type of the synset, e.g. 'Comestible' or 'Vehicle+Object+Artifact'. dummies.csv The dummies file has exactly the same structure as the synsets file. But synsets in this file are not supplied with any relations in this version of DanNet. relations.csv: synset_id: Id of the synset is described by the relation. name: The name of the relation (in wordnet/owl terminology) name2: the name of the relation (i EuroWordNet terminology) value: The target of the relation. The Value is always an id of a synset (in the synsets.csv file), a dummy (in the dummies.csv file), or a Princeton Wordnet synset. taxonomic: Possible values: 'taxonomic' or 'nontaxonomic' Distinguishes between taxonomic and nontaxonomic hyponymy, cf. the specifications for DanNet (http://wordnet.dk/download_html). Available only in Danish. Only relevant for the hyponymOf relation. inheritance_comment: A synset inherits relations from hypernyms If a relation is inherited rather than supplied for the particular synset, a text comment will state from which synset the relation stems. words.csv: id: Id for the lexical entry. This will be stable through future versions of DanNet. However, for some id's a number has been appended to the core id with a hyphen (e.g. '...-1'. This part of the id might unfortunately in rare cases change in future releases, while the core part will be stable. form: The lexical form of the entry pos: The part of speech of the entry wordsenses.csv: wordsense_id: Id of the lexical wordsense. Note the id is not unique as a wordsense may to connected to more than one synset. word_id: Id of the lexical entry (in the words.csv file) synset_id: Id of the synset (in the synsets.csv file) register: Some word senses may be marked as non-standard, e.g. 'sj.' for seldomly used, 'gl.' for old-fashionable, or 'slang'. In general, if a value is present for a word sense in this column, it may be regarded as non-standard use. Table of relations ========================= EUROWORDNET/DANNET WORDNETOWL REVERSE OF KIND OF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- concerns concerns used_for usedFor used_for_object usedForObject has_holonym meronymOf has_meronym has_holo_location locationMeronymOf has_mero_location has_holonym has_holo_madeof madeofMeronymOf has_mero_madeof has_holonym has_holo_member memberMeronymOf has_mero_member has_holonym has_holo_part partMeronymOf has_mero_part has_holonym has_hyperonym hyponymOf has_hyponym has_hyponym hypernymOf has_hyperonym has_meronym holonymOf has_holonym has_mero_location locationHolonymOf has_holo_location has_meronym has_mero_madeof madeofHolonymOf has_holo_madeof has_meronym has_mero_member memberHolonymOf has_holo_member has_meronym has_mero_part partHolonymOf has_holo_part has_meronym involved_agent involvedAgent involved_patient involvedPatient made_by madeBy near_synonym nearSynonymOf role_agent roleAgent role_patient rolePatient